Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Wholesale Accessories China: Dos and Don’ts In Buying Accessories China

You have finally started business and one thing that keeps ringing in your mind is the fear of failure. You have doubts of importing accessories from abroad wondering if it is an investment worth undertaking.

For many years, the epitome of wholesale accessories has been in China. This post will highlight the dos and don’ts in wholesale accessories China.

  • Identify The Suppliers 

Customers enjoy a wide range of options to select from. If you want cheap wholesale accessories for resale, then identifying the suppliers is of great importance. 

By having many options to select from, it becomes easy to find the most suitable products as reasonable pricing. Some of the wholesale suppliers you can work with include Nihaojewelry, Chinabrands and many more.
  • Request For Product Samples
If you doubt the quality of products, asking for some few accessories as samples are important. You can contact your wholesaler and see if they can send the samples for you to verify. 

This may cost you time and money but it is worth it. You can order 5-10 accessory samples before making that final purchase. 
  • Verify The Products
Before they get exported, make sure you inspect all the accessories. This applies to new wholesalers and those you have worked with before. 

Doing this ensures that you don’t get to possess the products that were not matching your initial expectations. 
  • Negotiate Fairly
You need to always negotiate well with your wholesaler. If you ever feel that you are getting too much for a cheap price, then you need to reconsider your options. 

There are legit wholesale accessories in China, but that doesn’t say that scammers are not present. These people may find a way to get their profits by using cheaper materials. 
  • Know The Specific Materials Used
Being a novice retailer means going through so many challenges. And one of them is knowing the exact materials that make the accessories. Even if you have few years of experience, you do not want to be seen as naïve in the industry. 

To be on the top, you need to know the exact specifications and materials before you make a purchase. Knowing the details of the product also ensures your wholesaler keeps your best interest at heart. 
  • Know The Modes Of Payment 
Most reliable suppliers list the payment options to be used. This includes Paypal, Bankwire, Credit card, Western Union or many more. 

You can use all the modes of payment but the universally accepted mode of payment in China is Bank Transfer which will eliminate all your problems if you are working with a reliable wholesaler. 
  • Don't Judge A Factory Based On Its Size
Intuitively, big and experienced companies are connected with high sales. Nevertheless, for the Chinese wholesale websites, you should never undervalue the power of smaller firms. In China, a company doesn't have to be so big to guarantee quality products.

At Last:

To have a successful wholesale business, finding a reliable supplier is the key point. Hope these tips can help you.

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