Tuesday, September 10, 2019

10 Tips For Wearing Fashion Jewelry

We often mention some tips about fashion jewelry, and mastering the tips of wearing to greatly optimize the matching effect!
1. The overall coordination of fashion is very important, so when dressing up yourself, you should consider whether the overall effect is just right. Remember not to add too many points, or it will give people a sense of cumbersome.
2. How to use the finishing touch on the collocation of fine jewelry, you need to spend a little thought. The embellishment decoration should be good at decorating with flexible and versatile jewelry, and it should be matched with the clothing to improve the applicable functions of the jewelry. 
3. The jewelry should be consistent with the person's body shape, face, skin color and clothing.
4. Wearing fine jewelry on different occasions should be compatible with the environment and occasions.
5. Generally speaking, due to the different seasons, the requirements for the texture, color, form of wearing fine jewelry are different.
6. Wearing fine jewelry should pay attention to the customs and traditions of the localities.
7. Do not wear too much jewelry, generally no more than four pieces.
8. Women wearing glasses with small earrings can make the face look beautiful and clean, don't wear necklaces and brooches, so as not to give people a sense of miscellaneous.
9. In the case of economic license, when buying a necklace, it is best to buy the same color system or the same quality earrings and bracelets to achieve a perfect contrast.
10. If the financial condition is allowed,  when buying a necklace, it is best to buy the same color system or the same quality earrings and bracelets to achieve a perfect contrast.

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